Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Sharon Lynn
2 min readOct 9, 2020


I’m sorry not sorry
But I think you thought that stale moldy crumb
growing some green shit on the edges
would be enough
to feed me

That half formed thought that you said
with your eyes
all glowing
and half open
looking clear and
somehow pure
would be enough to entice me

That kiss you ended in the middle
to talk about I cannot remember what
would be enough to
hold me over
until the next one

That my arms
aching the morning after
from holding you so tightly
would hold on

I think you might have mistakenly believed
that I’d be down
for waiting for the person you seemed like

See my dear — when I was your age I could have run circles
miles, around this bull shit
the game player bull shit artist
to end all bull shit artists
but that
is a fake life
and I
am so utterly done with that now

So if all you have are partial kisses,
and some vague, abstract need to be free horse shit
please go do
exactly that

Please fly like the rare bird you might become
but see my time
is precious now

I’m aware that I don’t need to spend my time
with anyone who needs to be convinced
to ask me out on a date
I’d rather walk in the woods and hold the trees

You don’t determine my worth
God does and he says
this shit is weak
and beneath you my dear

You think you’re the only one whose been through some shit
Please go
I owe you no explanations
I’m gonna go be a mother now
give this being
the love I have
Please don’t take it

My love
is sacred
and the person I share it with
will know that
And will give it back freely in return

you’re doing me a favor

